Grey's Update

Addison heads to Santa Monica next season on Private Practice
I know I have been remiss in blogging about Grey's Anatomy lately, but there really hasn't been much to talk about. This has not been the best season of Grey's. Between Meredith's trip to purgatory, the yucky Gizzie hook-up, and the lack of screen time for Dr. Bailey, I've really been disappointed by this show. And don't even get me started on Addison's proposed spin-off, Private Practice. It was horrendous, a view shared by countless others I polled. ABC has already given it the green light for next season, but unless that show undergoes some serious retooling it's going to be a flop. I realize that Shonda Rhimes wants to attract a more mature audience with Private Practice, but that doesn't mean it has to be dull and uninteresting. But I do give her major props for pairing known Black women phobe Taye Diggs with a Black ex-wife on the show. I wonder how she convinced him? That makes her a miracle worker in my eyes. Oh well...the season finale of Grey's is airing Thursday night. Hopefully it'll go out with a bang and get us excited about the new season. I see splitsville for McDreamy and Meredith (finally!) and a broken heart for Callie (Team Callie!).
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