Cosby Kids Week

Tune in to Nick-at-Nite this week for a special marathon of The Cosby Show, hosted by the Huxtable children. Lisa Bonet kicks off the week with "Denise Monday," Keisha Knight Pulliam hosts "Rudy Tuesday," and "Vanessa Vednesday" is led by Tempestt Bledsoe. My former childhood crush Malcolm Jamal Warner will take us through "Theo Thursday" and oft-underused Sabrina Le Beauf will finish up the work week with "Sondra Friday."
I hope Nick airs my two favorite Cosby episodes: when the kids performed the song on the staircase for their grandparent's anniverary and Denise's attempt to knock-off Theo's designer shirt. Classic!
The marathon continues on through the weekend with episodes spotlighting the best dance episodes on Saturday and memorable guest stars on Sunday. Along the way, viewers will be treated to never-before-seen interviews with the former child actors as they discuss their time on the historic sitcom.
Get those TiVo's, DVR's and VCR's ready!
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