Countdown to The Wire

There's only one episode left of The Wire and I'm know it's going to be a real doozy. From spoilers I've read on other websites, a favorite character is murdered (his name starts with a B), but I'm more so looking forward to the fallout from the bodies turning up in the vacants, but I'm sure we won't know the full extent of that until next season. I hope that HBO doesn't keep us in suspense another two years for the fifth, and final, season of The Wire.
Here are a few of my observations:
1. What a change in character for Michael? The way he wailed on Kenard last night, and then slapped his boy Namond, all I can say is, wow! What a difference a contract killing makes?!? I figured that once he went to Marlo with this stepdaddy problem, he'd owe Marlo big time, but I didn't expect him to sell his soul to the devil like that. Some have speculated that this season is kind of a prequel to Season 1, because Michael and Dukie seem to mirror another best friend pair - Avon and Stringer. Even though next season will be focused on the media, I don't want to loose track of these boys. I predict that Namond is going to end up living with Bunny. De'Londa is the worse excuse for a mother I've ever seen in life.
2. If the cops knew Randy was in danger, why didn't they move him out of the city? He and his foster mother were just sitting ducks and I saw that attack coming a mile away. I felt a little sorry for Carver when he visited Randy at the hospital, but at the same time, the police should have been more proactive in protecting Randy and his family.
3. As much good as Daniels is trying to do, I see the Rawls is going to be a problem. He wants to be the police commissioner, but realizes that B-More can't have a white mayor and a white police commissioner. Besides, it's obvious that Carcetti favors Daniels.
4. Most shocking moment from last night: when Cutty was shot in the knee. I didn't expect that. But I did see Sherrod's death coming from the poisoned drugs in Bubbles pocket. So unfortunate!
5. Funniest moment from last night: it's a tie between Cheese's retelling of Omar's robbery to Prop Joe ("S*** was unseemly.") and when Freamon approached Kima, who was talking on the phone about some "hot chick" with her feet up on the desk (How're you liking homicide?" he asks. "Love it. Why?" Freamon shrugs and walks off.)
Get ready for next week's season 80-minute finale. Or for those lucky ducks with On Demand, you can watch it now.
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