I am so confused. I feel like I'm not even watching the same show! Are they employing new writers (or clearly, none at all)? Talk about a downgrade.
Let me address this first and foremost - William and Monica having a baby is NOT a good look, I repeat, NOT a good look. Especially given that Maya just had a miscarriage last week. How insensitive! And are they so desperate for a storyline for 'Wilonica' that that's the best they could do?!?
I still don't know why Lynn was dressed up in blue. Someone care to enlighten me...or you know what...don't even bother because I'm sure it's something nonsensical that needs no further explanation.
Joan's breakdown was so over-the-top dramatic, it was borerline unbelievable. After a couple of weeks of not even mentioning Aaron's name, all of a sudden she's going to have a breakdown in the dressing room? Something's not right here. I can't believe that Joan would be so self-centered to feel jealous that Maya is getting all the attention because of her miscarriage.
I do agree, however, that Joan is always there for everyone else, and it does seem like since Aaron was deployed, no one has had anything to say about him except the fact that his head is so shiny. That just goes to show how difficult it is to talk about harsh subjects - like going off to war or having a miscarriage.
But this goes back to the simply fact of why the writers randomly chose to send Aaron to Iraq? Personally, as much as I love the chocolate-deliciousness of Richard T. Jones, they should have recast his role because this storyline has gone way out in left field.
Moving on to The Game, which is obviously reaping the benefits of more attention and better writing than it's Big Sis. All I can think when I watch this show is how much I wish it ran for a full hour.
Melanie is in way over her head. Just the way that Derwin got caught up, she's also caught up. And that diappoints me because I thought she had a good head on her shoulders. Tasha gave her $5,000 to move out on her own, yet Melanie counters: "And I appreciate that but what am supposed to do about the second month [rent]?" Then she admitted to using $250 of that money to buy a pair of sneakers.
Melanie's plan clearly backfired by telling Derwin about Trey and Malik. I agree with Tasha - she should not have led Derwin to think that something inappropriate happened between her and Malik. After all that Malik has done for her, she didn't do right by him. And at the end of the night, Derwin and Malik had made up and were cool again, leaving Girl Melanie out in the cold, over at Dionne's house.
So now there's another roadblock to Melanie going home to her folks - Dionne is offering her a spare bedroom to crash and regroup. We'll see how long that lasts. Dionne better not bring any men over to the house before Melanie tries to jump in bed with them. These two are an unlikely pair, and while I can see Dionne's point about not running back home to be the town clown, Melanie still should have let her mom know what was going on. Hearing it from Derwin first is not going to win her any Brownine points, which she clearly needs right now since her options are so limited.
Words cannot even beging to describe the dislike I have for Jason. He continues to hurt the one person who's always had his back - Kelly. This is going to backfire on him big time and I can't wait to see it go down.
Unfortunately, to recap the funniest moments from last night, there are none from Girlfriends ("That b**** stole my baby!" does not count). But from The Game, here are just a few:
Tasha: "Ya'll ain't gonna fight on my terra cotta. I just got that."
Dionne: "I don't do airport runs."
Dionne: "Did you just call Connecticut on my phone?"
And all the scenes with Jason and Kelly role-playing, from the French maid to Jane and Tarzan. I'm still chuckling from when Kelly said that her other Jane outift was at the cleaners!

Tia Mowry (Girl Melanie) is on the cover of this week's JET magazine (yes, people still read JET). I've only read snippets of the article, but she talks about growing up in Hollywood, moving out of the 'child actress' box, and of course, her fiance Corey Hardict of Lincoln Heights.
And for a throwback to way back, check out this video I found on You Tube featuring Tia and her twin sister Tamera who were in a singing group in the 80s: