Gotta love cold medicine....
Maybe it was because I was drugged up on Alleve Cold & Sinus last night, but I didn't laugh not once during Girlfriends or The Game. The only word that comes to mind with Girlfriends is...forced. Everything about that show seems so tedious and forced. Joan is forcing herself to be Monica's friend and it seems like such a stretch that Monica would choose Joan, of all people, to be her maid on honor? Why? Doesn't she have her own friends? She even admitted that her and Joan didn't get off to the best start, so why is she going to be your maid of honor. Yes, it all seems forced. Joan was even trying to force Monica on Lynn and Maya. And then the whole phone sex issue with Maya...once again, forced. You get the picture. Now it's very clear to me that Maya does not have a job. Hmm...a show about three Black women in their 30s and none of them have realistic is that? You tell me. I was actually exhausted just from watching that episode. And still, they're talking about Toni. Damn you Jill Marie Jones! Couldn't you have come back for a guest-appearance to have one final blow-out with Joan to end the drama? I felt that Joan was OK and over it, but that Lynn and Maya were the ones who kept bringing up Toni and confronting Joan about her feelings. And I agree with Joan, why are they still all buddy buddy with Toni? Joan is the "glue" and the person who brought them all together. It's a bit disrespectful they way they're sneaking behind her back to hang out with Toni. I'm actually looking forward to Monica and William's wedding...I'm sure it's going to be real dramatic and over-the-top. And can we get Joan a new love interest this season...someone, anyone, please!
I usually get my laughs for the week from The Game, but last night's episode was actually sad. I felt bad for Kelly, but as Tasha said, Jason is not your "king" so she needs to stand up to him. I know a woman married to a very rich man and she works at The Gap. He refuses to give her money, so she's out there earning her own. Kelly needs to leave the Sunbeams along and get a job, since she can't seem to confront Jason about his money issues. I can understand his desire to be frugal and not splurge on the stereotypical "bling, bling" lifestyle, but at the same time, what father doesn't pull out the stops for his child's birthday, particularly his daughter. He tried to redeem himself with the (comp) trip to Disney, but it was too little, too late. And then he tossed Kelly a bone to tell Brittany about riding on the Cinderella float, but you could tell it was a struggle for her to put on the happy face. I'm predicting a divorce for this couple. That was pretty much the entire episode right there. What about Tasha and the coach? Who knows. It wasn't discussed or even mentioned. Melanie was ghost in this episode. I didn't appreciate Derwin letting Malik all up in the house at 3am with his hoochie when Melanie asked him to tell them to leave "our" house. Once again, he seems to have no respect for his girlfriend and her feelings, meanwhile, she turned down John's Hopkins med school for his non-playing rookie behind.
I have to promise myself to never watch these shows while on cold medicine again.
But on the bright side, Friday Night Lights was pretty darn good last night. I'm really warming up to this show. I was so touched when the entire team came to visit Jason before the game. Interesting how Voodoo stayed off to the side. I don't like his character. I know they're making him unlikeable on purpose to contrast with Matt, but come on, he was so rude and disrespectful. When he tore up the locker room during half-time, I though for sure he was going to hit Coach. Matt stepped up and did his thing. I was happy for him. I was confused about Tyra's storyline last night...what was the point, really? Is she going to follow him to LA? It's obvious that small-town life is not for her - maybe this is a step toward her self-discovery. Lyla needs to get it together. She's clearly just using Tim to fill her physical needs since her boyfriend can't. Interesting that she hasn't thought about college and what she wants to do with her life. She better hurry up and figure it out.