Reality TV Recap

Since the end of Project Runway, I've been anti-reality TV. I stopped watching Dancing with the Stars a long time ago and in recent weeks, America's Next Top Model has been dry. But, given that last night was the season finale of DWS, I tuned in to see football great Emmitt Smith salsa one last time and capture the crown. I knew from the very first episode that he was going to win and I was happy to know that I was right.
As far as Top Model, I neglected to comment on Anchal's departure last week (it was last week, right?). Of course, the most stunningly beautiful contestant in the history of Top Model has to mess up and get kicked off. I saw bits and pieces of her final episode where she was anxious about her weight. It didn't look to me like she had gained any weight or was as fat as she was making herself out to be, but that just goes to show that even the most beautiful women have their insecurities. Last night, Jaeda's insecurities finally got the best of her. Tyra was right...Jaeda's had 9 lives on this show...and rarely did she make good use of them. It's obvious that she has an extreme fear of public speaking and being in front of the camera. She should have been conscious of it and been working toward getting over it. And no, it was no excuse that the male model she was paired with told her that he doesn't like Black women. In the fashion/entertainment world, sometimes who just have to grin and bear it. Jaeda was just flat out a really bad actress and her pictures weren't even that great. She deserved to go home. I think the final two will come down to the best of these two pairs: CariDee and Melrose (only one blonde will make it to the final two) and one of the twins, though Amanda definitely has the advantage over her sis, Michelle. The Spanish...oops...I mean Catalan commercial was wack...until I saw the English version air right after the end of the episode. When did they film that?
Sorry kids...I was so wrapped up into starring at Taye Diggs' bare chest on Day Break I forgot to flip the channel to MTV for the season finale of Laguna Beach, though I hear I didn't miss much. I'm sure I'll catch it over the weekend. Oh...and the BET Hip-Hop Awards were on last night as well. No comment!
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