Ugly Betty season premiere!

Ugly Betty not only lived up to the hype, it exceeded all expectations. America Ferrara is stunning as "ugly" Betty. The camera certainly loves her face. Tonight's episode felt like a page (or two) was ripped from my diary. I'm not going to get into specifics of how eerily similar Betty and I are, but needless to say, I identify with her stronger than I ever imagined possible. I could wax on poetically for hours on everything I liked about the show (how about everything!), but I'll highlight some of my favorite moments:
Salma Hayek's starring role in the cheesy telenovela Betty's dad loves to watch...great way to do double duty Salma, as producer and guest-star!
Vanessa L. Williams is simply delicious as the bitchy Wilhemina. I was not surprised to see her romping in bed with the photographer and that, my friends, is only one example of how devious I think her character is going to get. I love her latchkey, Marc, who also doubles as Botox injector! Vanessa looks great...we should all hope to look as good as she does as her age. I like the white wardrobe motif. It helps to contrast her with the rest of the cast and is ironic given how devilish she is.
Hey Caleb Nichols...oops, I mean, Bradford Meade. Was anyone else having The O.C. flashbacks? I had no idea he was going to be on this show. What a pleasant surprise! Very much not dead Fey Summers must have some real dirt on him! I can't wait to see how it plays out.
Betty's metrosexual young nephew is the gay man (here, in training) every woman needs in her life. And her bossy sister reminds me of my own, always up in my business, telling me what to do, particularly about my love life.
Speaking of which, Betty handled the deadbeat boyfriend situation realistically. She could have chosen to mope around and go the "woe is me" route, but she didn't let it get her down. Despite her willingness to bend over backward at work to get the job done, she takes no prisoners in her personal life. Hopefully, those flashes of moxie will play out at work as well. My favorite scene was when she marched over to skanky Gina's house to break up the love tryst (oops, wrong guy) but slammed the door so hard, Gina's expensive plasma TV skidded down the wall and crashed to the floor. DEAD!
Betty's quick-save of her boss, giving him credit for the Fabia campaign idea, was sweet. I hope Daniel appreciates Betty and won't continue to take advantage her. He needs all the help he can get to deal with Wilhelmina.
Please, please, please bring Gina Gershon back again. She was hilarious - a cross between Donatella Versace and Paris Hilton!
Betty's Australian (is that right?) friend is cool. For a second there, I thought she was working against Betty, but I'm glad she's going to turn out to be an ally.
Overall, Ugly Betty is fabulous. I laughed, I cried, I loved. That's what TV should be about!
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